Be the Coolest Gift Giver! The Best Time at the Best Price

Up to 50% Off

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mTiny | Age 4+

Screen-free Robot Toy for Tangible Learning

mTiny 白底图.png__PID:adf4a89f-ae03-4d5e-837a-9de6b0f2d74f



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mBot2 场景图.jpg__PID:7aadf4a8-9fae-43cd-9e43-7a9de6b0f2d7mBot2 场景图.jpg__PID:cb217b72-6569-4a2e-91a3-efff5e927af8
mBot2 白底图.png__PID:c5cb217b-7265-495a-ae91-a3efff5e927a

mBot2 | Age 6+

Coding Robot for Endless Play and AI Learning

mBot2 白底图.png__PID:087aadf4-a89f-4e03-8d5e-437a9de6b0f2



Discounts Auto-Applied at the Cart

Codey Rocky 场景图.jpg__PID:941efba8-6c46-41f2-887a-adf4a89fae03Codey Rocky 场景图.jpg__PID:c3b6529a-79f5-4ef9-85cb-217b7265695a
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Codey Rocky | Age 6+

Interactive Smart Robot for Robotics and Coding Learning

Codey Rocky 白底图.png__PID:23941efb-a86c-4601-b208-7aadf4a89fae



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mBot Ranger 场景图.jpg__PID:a86c4601-f208-4aad-b4a8-9fae03cd5e43mBot Ranger 场景图.jpg__PID:9a79f50e-f9c5-4b21-bb72-65695a2e91a3
mBot Ranger 白底图.png__PID:529a79f5-0ef9-45cb-a17b-7265695a2e91

mBot Ranger | Age 8+

3-In-1 Robotics Kit for Outdoor Play and Building Fun

mBot Ranger 白底图.png__PID:fba86c46-01f2-487a-adf4-a89fae03cd5e



Discounts Auto-Applied at the Cart

mBot2 + Smart World 场景图.jpg__PID:e9069e15-5983-4039-a634-b2ab9aca559amBot2 + Smart World 场景图.jpg__PID:4f98ed73-a9ad-4e9f-9ff3-ec13a7569740
mBot2 + Smart World 白底图.png__PID:9a108e44-f778-44ac-8acb-5dbdd67ac487

mBot2 + Smart World | Age 12+

4-In-1 Robot Kit for Endless Play and Robotics Learning

mBot2 + Smart World 白底图.png__PID:ae020b54-ef35-4086-bd41-b3d6d5691b27



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mBot Ultimate 白底图.png__PID:79f50ef9-c5cb-417b-b265-695a2e91a3ef

mBot Ultimate | Age 12+

10-in-1 Robotics Kit for Endless Building Fun

mBot Ultimate 白底图.png__PID:6c4601f2-087a-4df4-a89f-ae03cd5e437a



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Elevate Classroom Experience with Tech Tools

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xTool P2S Edu Bundle

· 55W Powerful CO2 Laser Cutter of High Safety Level
· Suitable for CTE/STEM/Engineering Teaching
· All-in-One Solution with Free Software, Lessons and Projects

xTool P2S 白底图.png__PID:b87dc4ad-cfab-4563-a364-f72aa3c7a4c0



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xTool F1 Edu Bundle

· 10W Diode Laser + 2W Infrared Laser of High Safety
· Fast Engraving Speed for Classroom and Workshop
· Suitable for Jewelry Design, STEM Teaching and Workshop

xTool F1 Edu Bundle.png__PID:03cd5e43-7a9d-46b0-b2d7-4f38ec2de8d4



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One Kit, Infinite Creations!



$82 OFF

STEM Kits with DIY Projects and Free Online Lessons



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More Details


$25 OFF

Night Lights with Interactive Programmable Controller



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More Details
mBot Mega.png__PID:dcb62142-cb28-4ab2-823a-d59da335c47cmBot Mega.png__PID:b6529a79-f50e-49c5-8b21-7b7265695a2e

mBot Mega

$27 OFF

Smart Remote Control Robot Car for Kids to Learn through Play



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Cyber Monday Surprise 100% Refund Giveaway!

Place an order during the sale and subscribe to our newsletter; then, the 1st, 30th, and last orders during the sale will get a chance to win a 100% full refund!

Refund Giveaway.jpg__PID:e36fb115-3019-4e4c-896f-681d3881e734100% Refund Giveaway!.jpg__PID:ac21b251-564e-475e-9e53-29f6b6c09a53

Referral Program

Get Up to 10% Cashback for Every Friend Who Shops at Makeblock

Get Up to 10% Off Cashback.jpg__PID:cdc4e36f-b115-4019-8e4c-896f681d3881Referral Program.jpg__PID:564ea75e-1e53-49f6-b6c0-9a53d253e228


Which product is 50% off on Cyber Monday Sale?

Grab Nextmaker, the valuable STEM kits designed for children to create their own hands-on project-based activities, complete with detailed lessons!

How to apply the 60-day price guarantee?

If you notice that the price of a product you purchased from has dropped within 60 days, you can match the difference by Direct Refund method. We will refund the price difference within 3-5 days.

Apply Here

Can I be sure i'm getting the lowest price?

Absolutely! Our coding kits and laser machines are available at their lowest prices of the year after the product coupons are auto-applied to the cart. For customers looking to purchase machines with other accessories, we offer flexible tiered discounts:

Tier 1 Discount: Get $40 off orders over $200 using code "CM40".
Tier 2 Discount: Enjoy $60 off orders over $300 with code "CM60".
Tier 3 Discount: Save $400 on orders over $2000 using the code "CM400".

These tiered discounts provide a great opportunity to save while customizing your purchase with additional accessories. However, please note that the tiered discounts (Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3) cannot be combined with the product discounts. Feel free to utilize the tiered discount that best suits your purchase to maximize your savings on our products.

When will the 100% refund giveaway winner be announced?

1st Round Giveaway: Subscribe and make a purchase between November 11th and November 20th (PT). Winners will be announced on November 21st (PT).
2nd Round Giveaway: Subscribe and make a purchase between November 21st and November 30th (PT). Winners will be announced on December 2nd (PT).
3rd Round Giveaway: Subscribe and make a purchase between December 1st and December 7th (PT). Winners will be announced on December 9th (PT).


What is 100% Refund Giveaway?

We are excited to offer exciting surprises to our customers. Simply place an order during the Prime Day Deals (July 16-22, 2024 PT) and subscribe to our newsletter for a chance to win a 100% full refund! The winners will be selected from the 20th, 40th, and 60th orders placed between July 16-22 (PT).

The announcement of the giveaway winners will be made on our Facebook page in 7 business days after Prime Day Deals, and we will also contact the winners via email. Good luck!

Can I use the Prime Day discounts together with other promotions?

This discount cannot be combined with other discount offers.

What's the process for purchasing Makeblock products?

There are two ways you can buy Makeblock products. The first option is to directly purchase the desired products by adding them to your shopping cart and completing the checkout process. Alternatively, you can choose the "Add to cart/quote" option to request a quote and make a payment using a purchase order (PO) if necessary.

How to buy via Purchase Order(PO)?

1. Request for Quote
Add the desired items to your cart and click the Educators: Get Your Quote buttonProvide accurate customer information, delivery address, and contact details. Press Request for QuoteClick Download Quotation and Download W9 to get the quotation and W9. You will receive an additional email from

Place Purchase Order
Click Pay With PO contained in the email to enter the page for uploading PO.

2. Upload the requested documents:
a. A PDF of your Purchase Order
b. A PDF of the School District/School's W9
c. A PDF of your quote. (If you did not obtain a quote before submitting your PO, that's okay! Just let our team know that you don't have a corresponding quote).
d. Your tax-exempt certificate for the shipping address. (No tax exemption certificate to ignore)

Carefully read and agree to the PO term of service. Click Submit.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact

Does Makeblock offer educational resources?

Absolutely! Makeblock Education provides educational resources that are aligned with standards and cater to different stages of student learning. To find out more about our courses, please click here.