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Empowering Hands-On Learning with Educational Tech Tools

Our selected ed-tools like STEAM robot kits and laser cutters can enhance classroom engagement. These ed-tools can be used for summer programs and after-school activities, which are approved uses of ESSER Funds, as outlined in the ARP Act Section 2001(e)(2)(K) and ARP Act Section 2001(e)(2)(M).

Hands-On Approach to Learning Robotics

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Hands-On Approach to Learning Robotics

Easy-to-build like block building, with the added advantage of expandability using extra packs. This interactive approach nurtures hands-on skills and provides a gateway to learning robotics.

Unlocking High-Tech Exploration

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Unlocking High-Tech Exploration

In addition to fundamental features like line-following, obstacle avoidance, and object tracking, mBot2 empowers students to delve into advanced technologies through Voice Control, AI integration, and IoT capabilities.

From Beginner to Coding Master

From Beginner to Coding Master.jpg__PID:b087279b-8a75-4bdd-8a44-c0930f32cc60From Beginner to Coding Master.jpg__PID:73430bed-cfb5-42ae-a1ef-796031f11c16

From Beginner to Coding Master

Begin swiftly with block-based coding using comprehensive step-by-step scratch coding cards. Transition seamlessly to Python programming to enhance and elevate your coding skills.

Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
learn block based coding and python
Easy to Teach Robotics Building
STEM Education
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
coding robot for multiple ways to connect
powerful robot kit
robotics and coding tutorial for kids
robotics and coding tutorial for kids
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
learn block based coding and python
Easy to Teach Robotics Building
STEM Education
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
coding robot for multiple ways to connect
powerful robot kit
robotics and coding tutorial for kids
robotics and coding tutorial for kids
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning
Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning


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Take STEM Education to the Next Level with xTool P2

Versatile Applications

Versatile Applications.jpg__PID:bedaa12d-b43c-4215-a993-e9ccd5dacfc2Versatile Applications.jpg__PID:de22fde5-0f15-418b-8012-1c27cdee0644

Versatile Applications

Break barriers of creativity with xTool P2's engraving capabilities on a wide range of materials, from coated metal to ceramics, empowering educators to explore new artistic possibilities.

Efficient Cutting Power

Efficient Cutting Power for Student Success.jpg__PID:72d86e95-803c-4aac-af69-9b86f6f39e40Efficient Cutting Power for Student Success.jpg__PID:e83e1ef7-3c0d-4dd1-ab96-7bb171de22fd

Efficient Cutting Power for Student Success

With its rapid 55W cutting power, every student can proudly hold their finished product at the end of class, allowing you to focus on teaching rather than troubleshooting, optimizing valuable instructional time.

Easy, Safe, and Limitless Possibilities

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Easy, Safe, and Limitless Possibilities

With its user-friendly interface and safety features, the learning barriers are minimized, instilling peace of mind. Immerse children in hands-on learning, empowering them to transform their ideas into real-world creations.

Free and Easy Software

Free and Easy Software.jpg__PID:6e95803c-5aac-4f69-9b86-f6f39e4034edFree and Easy Software.jpg__PID:1ef73c0d-8dd1-4b96-bbb1-71de22fde50f

Free and Easy Software

Enjoy the convenience of using free software like XCS and Lightburn, making it simple for educators to create laser-cutting projects without extra costs.

xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools
xTool P2 55W Desktop CO2 Laser Cutter for Schools

xTool P2

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Rich Resources for Integration

By using Makeblock STEAM robots and laser engravers, improving education through hands-on learning has been made easier through the utilization of our educational resources.

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Step-by-step How-to Tutorials.jpg__PID:32cc6014-a4d1-437a-92bc-f2997703f18bStep-by-step How-to Tutorials.jpg__PID:f11c1671-e1d7-4fa9-9ef8-744f2cdbf34e
Endless Hands-on Projects.jpg__PID:ef47b087-279b-4a75-8bdd-4a44c0930f32Endless Hands-on Projects.jpg__PID:953e7343-0bed-4fb5-a2ae-a1ef796031f1
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Let's Answer Your Questions

Can ESSER funds be used to purchase Robot Kits or Laser Engravers for schools?

Yes. ESSER funding can be used to purchase educational tech tools, such as STEAM robot kits and laser engravers, to provide better education in your district or school.

Makeblock specializes in STEAM education and All Makeblock STEAM Education solutions (including STEAM robot kits and xTool laser engravers) available at Makeblock store qualify for ESSER funding. Speak to one of our Education Specialists to learn more about how you can use ESSER funds to enhance education in your school.

What is the deadline to place an order for STEAM Robots or Laser Engravers with Makeblock when using ESSER funds?

The ESSER Fund has three funding streams. For each stream, districts must obligate funds by finalizing awards to contractual partners (such as Makeblock) within one year of receiving them from the U.S. Department of Education.
For ESSER I: ESSER funds must be obligated by 9/30/2022.
For ESSER II: ESSER funds must be obligated by 9/30/2023.
For ESSER III: ESSER funds must be obligated by 9/30/2024.
Don’t wait until it’s too late to use your federal funding to help make your classroom engaging!

What is the process of purchasing Makeblock products?

There are two ways you can buy Makeblock products. The first option is to directly purchase the desired products by adding them to your shopping cart and completing the checkout process. Alternatively, you can choose the "Add to cart/quote" option to request a quote and make a payment using a purchase order (PO) if necessary.

See what educators are saying about Makeblock

Sarah Benton Feitlinger.jpg__PID:c0930f32-cc60-44a4-91a3-7ad2bcf29977Sarah Benton Feitlinger.jpg__PID:796031f1-1c16-41e1-97ef-a99ef8744f2c
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Amanda Boyer.jpg__PID:cd425431-9aef-47b0-8727-9b8a754bdd4aAmanda Boyer.jpg__PID:de9fcc26-b195-4e73-830b-edcfb562aea1
Ryan Brundage.jpg__PID:44c0930f-32cc-4014-a4d1-a37ad2bcf299Ryan Brundage.jpg__PID:ef796031-f11c-4671-a1d7-efa99ef8744f
Leticia Barr.jpg__PID:754bdd4a-44c0-430f-b2cc-6014a4d1a37aLeticia Barr.jpg__PID:b562aea1-ef79-4031-b11c-1671e1d7efa9
CHRISTY GEORG.jpg__PID:4254319a-ef47-4087-a79b-8a754bdd4a44CHRISTY GEORG.jpg__PID:9fcc26b1-953e-4343-8bed-cfb562aea1ef

Ready to bring Makeblock to Education?

Talk to our experts to learn how to bring Makeblock STEM robots & laser cutters into your schools with expiring ESSER funds.

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