
Explore More Funding & Grants Opportunities for Educators

Explore our comprehensive funding directory for Makeblock robots, STEM kits, and laser engravers, simplifying your search for grants that align with your needs.

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ESSER & American Rescue Plan

K–12 schools in the US are eligible to use the Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund to address the impact of COVID-19 with Makeblock.

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Federal & State

Certain government grants are distributed through a competitive process, evaluating applicants based on merit and qualifications, while others are allocated based on demonstrated need and impact.

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Corporate & Organizational

Annually, corporations along with various teaching organizations commit financial support to STEM educational initiatives.

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Crowdfunding and ClassWish provide platforms for teachers to extend their fundraising endeavors to underprivileged schools.

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Grant Writing Application Tips

Sample Program Description Language

Try this STEAM grant application template. Customize it to your needs or replicate and complete missing parts.

Computer Science Curriculum & Standards Alignment with Makeblock.jpg__PID:3e63df6f-317e-4a0b-91bf-6654e71d8a79Mask group.jpg__PID:7e4498fc-d492-4e32-9b04-a666759fed4d

Computer Science Curriculum &
Standards Alignment with Makeblock

Computer Science Course


Computer Science Course

  • Comprehensive Safety Manuals: Adhering to LSO standards, our manuals deliver expert guidance for safe operation.
  • Vigilant Software Monitoring: XCS software continuously monitors fire hazards, issuing alerts and interfacing with fire suppression systems for immediate action.
  • Essential Safety Tips: A concise list of top 10 safety practices is readily available for quick reference.
  • Intuitive Safety Enhancements: Upcoming XCS updates will introduce subtle safety nudges, including official and casual reminders about flammable materials and prompts for debris cleanup after tasks.

"I plan to acquire [Makeblock product] to boost educational outcomes by integrating [options: STEM/coding/engineering/design thinking/etc.] into [subject you teach]. The goal is to provide an engaging educational journey for my students, transforming them into future programmers and engineers through [subject you teach]. By leveraging Makeblock, we aim to foster a culture of teamwork in problem-solving, innovation in project design, and deepen understanding in [subject matter]. The acquisition of [specific product name] will enable my students to undertake [full project description], enhancing our current [existing tools/initiatives] for [number of students] learners. This approach not only promotes collaborative learning but also helps in aligning our curriculum with practical experiences.

Included in the standards alignment are: [list standards with description]."

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Starting a STEM Lab


Starting a STEM Lab

  • Comprehensive Safety Manuals: Adhering to LSO standards, our manuals deliver expert guidance for safe operation.
  • Vigilant Software Monitoring: XCS software continuously monitors fire hazards, issuing alerts and interfacing with fire suppression systems for immediate action.
  • Essential Safety Tips: A concise list of top 10 safety practices is readily available for quick reference.
  • Intuitive Safety Enhancements: Upcoming XCS updates will introduce subtle safety nudges, including official and casual reminders about flammable materials and prompts for debris cleanup after tasks.

"STEM Workshops serve as a dynamic platform for immersive learning, where students gain essential skills in the sciences, technology, engineering, and math. Our vision is to launch a pioneering STEM Lab at [school name], aimed at offering our learners hands-on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) educational experiences to foster the development of critical 21st century abilities. Central to our STEM lab’s mission is the enhancement of student competencies through STEAM-focused activities, including coding, robotics, and creative design, making use of [Makeblock robots and STEM toys].

Makeblock’s innovative robots and educational tools, grounded in STEAM principles, stimulate students' curiosity, imagination, and determination in mastering STEAM and computer science disciplines. The acquisition of 21st century skills is imperative in the modern era, underscoring the need for providing our students with ample learning opportunities. A specialized STEM space will offer vast opportunities for our students to engage in analytical thinking, collaborative projects, and inventive problem-solving, leveraging the power of educational robotics and STEAM tools."

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Starting a Makerspace


Starting a Makerspace

  • Comprehensive Safety Manuals: Adhering to LSO standards, our manuals deliver expert guidance for safe operation.
  • Vigilant Software Monitoring: XCS software continuously monitors fire hazards, issuing alerts and interfacing with fire suppression systems for immediate action.
  • Essential Safety Tips: A concise list of top 10 safety practices is readily available for quick reference.
  • Intuitive Safety Enhancements: Upcoming XCS updates will introduce subtle safety nudges, including official and casual reminders about flammable materials and prompts for debris cleanup after tasks.

"Innovative labs, known as makerspaces, offer our students a communal area at school to innovate, discover, and educate themselves with diverse instruments and materials. We plan to develop a state-of-the-art makerspace within our [elementary/middle/high] school to nurture a culture of investigative learning via interactive, project-oriented activities, enabling the mastery of STEM disciplines.

This space will focus on equipping our learners with project-centered STEAM education to foster the development of essential modern skills. It is pivotal in our strategy to cultivate these competencies in our students by engaging them in STEAM pursuits, notably in programming, robotics, and creative problem-solving with tools like Makeblock STEM toys.

Makeblock's creations, programmable robots, and STEAM-focused educational aids are designed to inspire curiosity, creativity, and resilience in STEAM subjects and computer science. The urgency for 21st-century abilities has escalated, making it crucial for us to offer avenues for our students to embrace and enhance these capabilities. Dedicated to innovation, teamwork, and inquiry through the use of educational robotics and STEAM tools, our makerspace promises extensive chances for our students to engage in critical thinking, collaborative problem-solving, and inventive thinking."

Sample Project Ideas

Highlighting a specific student project clarifies the grant's impact. Our team created educational projects for PK-12 learners.

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Engaging Projects

Unlock endless possibilities with captivating tutorials for robot coding and laser engraver classroom projects.

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Standard-aligned Curriculum

Prepares students for success in STEM fields, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and real-world problem-solving skills with ready-to-use courses.

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Support Tech Tools with Makeblock Funding

· Product Trials: Offer 5 schools per month free trials of products, total valued at over $6,000.
· School Discounts: Provide schools with a 5% one-time discount on all purchases.

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Tips for Writing Grants

Makeblock Education is committed to helping educators learn about grants to help grant writers, like you, be successful. This section provides you with support in identifying a grant, understanding what to include about the Makeblock Education solution that fits your needs, and additional support for writing your grant.

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Successful Stories in Education Funding

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Search for Grants Online

In addition to funding resources provided, you can discover more grants on the website. Check them below.

Search for Grants Online.jpg__PID:4498fcd4-92ae-425b-84a6-66759fed4ddb presents a vast, yet detailed compilation of grants from every federal entity, complete with an extensive support center for those new to applying for grants.

GrantWatch: allows access to all grant types, including federal, state, city, local, and foundational, with a user-friendly search interface by category and state.

The Foundation Center: established in 1956, is recognized as a foremost authority on global philanthropy, providing an expansive grants database along with valuable resources and learning materials for applicants.

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Trusted by Local Education Authorities



Makeblock co-published programming materials with the French publishing house Éditions Delagrave for more than 6,000 public primary/middle schools.



Makeblock Education enters into a strategic global partnership with the Ministry of Education in Bologna, Italy.



Incheon's Education Science Institute launches "Coding into Gyeongdae 2024" for personalized AI and SW education. Makeblock robots are official tools to foster innovation.



Makeblock and the Education Department of Mexico Jalisco together Broke the Guinness Record of the World’s Largest Robotics Class.



Selected for the CMI programme of the Polish IT Teaching Talent Development Programme.

Get Assistance from Makeblock Experts

While we do not write grants, we are excited to provide assistance in project design, solution implementation and general questions for schools and organizations in the United States.

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