76 Item(s) Found
P2 Basic Lessons (Level 1)

P2 Basic Lessons (Level 1)

Learn how to use xTool P2 and software, and create STEAM projects

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P2 Basic Lessons (Level 2)

P2 Basic Lessons (Level 2)

Learn how to use xTool P2 and software, and create festive and creative STEAM projects

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xTool S1 40W Screen Printing Kit Educator Guide

xTool S1 40W Screen Printing Kit Educator Guide

Discover how to use the xTool S1 Screen Printing kit to teach engaging arts and crafts projects in your classroom

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mBot2 Smart World Add-on Challenges

mBot2 Smart World Add-on Challenges

Introduce students to Smart Farming and present challenges for them to solve by using the mBot2 in the form of robotic carrier, surveying robot, or robotic arm

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mBot2 Summer Camp/ After-school Program

mBot2 Summer Camp/ After-school Program

Help students stay updated on robotics, programming, and the latest AI with mBot2 through Summer camp and After-school Program

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AI Text-Generation Emoji for mBot2 Rover

AI Text-Generation Emoji for mBot2 Rover

This Project will look at how AI can convert text into a range of vivid emojis, thus enhancing human-computer communication and making digital interactions more engaging and fun.

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Meow Translator for CyberPi

Meow Translator for CyberPi

This project uses mBlock's newly launched Machine Learning 2.0 feature, paired with CyberPi, to teach you how to make a Meow Translator that will change how you interact with your pet.

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Organize a Robot Competition for mBot2

Organize a Robot Competition for mBot2

This project introduces how to use mBot2 robot, mBo2 Smart World add-on pack, and mBlock software to quickly set up a robotics competition for students.

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mBot-S Basic Lessons

mBot-S Basic Lessons

Courses for kids to learn block-based coding from scratch and spark their creativity

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mTiny Basic Lessons

mTiny Basic Lessons

Tailored courses for educators to incorporate engaging activities for pre-schoolers

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Codey Rocky Basic Lessons

Codey Rocky Basic Lessons

Curriculum emphasizes the integration of graphical programming and hardware interaction

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CyberPi Basic Lessons

CyberPi Basic Lessons

Learn with a versatile microcontroller to master block-based coding skills

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STEM Class Resources FAQs

Why STEM and coding matter?

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education, including coding, is vital as it fosters essential skills like problem-solving and creativity, preparing kids for success and addressing global challenges.

How do I incorporate STEM in my educational setting?

Download a large number of STEM project ideas on this page, then seamlessly integrate them into your educational environment with Makeblock educational robotics kits. These kits provide hands-on learning experiences that engage kids in coding, engineering, and problem-solving activities.

Could I use these resources without Makeblock products?

It depends. If you're new to STEM education, it's best to choose the right robot or laser cutter for your teaching by clicking the "Buy robot" button right next to the "Download" button. All activities are designed for specific robots, so you can achieve the best results in your STEM class. If you're experienced in teaching STEM and coding, you can explore more project ideas using these resources to add value to your teaching.

How to find the resources I want?

  • Use filter system to sort through resources based on your preferences. Example: By selecting options such as "mBot2" under Product and "Free" under Price, you can access mBot2's Basic Courses and Learning Cases.
  • If accessing via PC, the filter can be found on the left-hand side.
  • For mobile users, locate the filter icon at the top left, then tap to reveal the filter options.