How to buy via Purchase Order?

Hi educators, to ensure a smooth ordering process, we have prepared the following instruction manual for your reference. Please review the instructions carefully and follow them when placing orders with Makeblock.

Request for Auto Quote

Step 1.jpg__PID:c93a5b41-0784-4d97-80e1-a48de904fe81Step 1.jpg__PID:46e9ef4c-45c5-42b3-97e4-00a6fc40332c
Step 2.jpg__PID:3a5b4107-847d-4700-a1a4-8de904fe818bStep 2.jpg__PID:e9ef4c45-c552-4397-a400-a6fc40332c69

Request a Quote Online

Step 3.jpg__PID:5b410784-7d97-40e1-a48d-e904fe818b69Step 3.jpg__PID:ef4c45c5-52b3-47e4-80a6-fc40332c6930
Step 4.jpg__PID:4107847d-9700-41a4-8de9-04fe818b69c2Step 4.jpg__PID:4c45c552-b397-4400-a6fc-40332c69302d

1. Add the item(s) you wish to purchase to the shopping cart.

2. Once all items are added, click on the shopping cart image in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.

3. Below the list of item(s) in your cart, click the Educators: Get an Auto Quote button

4. Login. The email address used to upload the PO file must be the same as the one used to obtain the quotation.

5. Provide accurate customer information, delivery address, and contact details. (Users who have already successfully applied for a quote will call up the most recent information display; there is no need to repeat the fill-in). Click Get an Auto Quote

6. Click Download Quotation and Download W-9 to get the quotation and W-9. You will receive an additional email from Included in the email are next steps on placing an order with a PO

Request a Quote Online

*Talk with a Rep and Get a Quote
If you have questions about the best products for your classroom, and would like to talk to one of our Makeblock Education experts prior to requesting a quote, please reach out to A member of our team will work with you to customize the best package for your classroom needs.

Place Order

Click _Upload PO Files_.jpg__PID:5431c93a-5b41-4784-bd97-00e1a48de904Click _Upload PO Files_.jpg__PID:f17b46e9-ef4c-45c5-92b3-97e400a6fc40
Enter information, upload the files, and click _Submit Now_.jpg__PID:31c93a5b-4107-447d-9700-e1a48de904feEnter information, upload the files, and click _Submit Now_.jpg__PID:7b46e9ef-4c45-4552-b397-e400a6fc4033

Online Submission

1. Click the Upload PO files button in the email to enter the page to upload PO.

2. Requires a one-time verification code to log in with the email address used to obtain the quote. If you are already logged in, please ignore this step.

3. Select the corresponding quotation and click Confirm. If there is only one quotation, ignore this step.

If you want to pay directly by Credit Card, please click the hyperlink shown in the picture

4. Upload the requested documents: 

     a. A PDF of your Purchase Order
     b. A PDF of School District/School's W9
     c. Your tax-exempt certificate for the shipping address. (No tax exemption certificate to ignore)

5. Carefully read and agree to the PO term of service. Click Submit Now

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact