
Enhance children's hands-on and logical thinking skills with a buildable coding robot.




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Coding Robots for Kids

block coding for kids

Learning Coding Made Easy

Coding with mBlock, kids will start with block-based coding, and upgrade to python programming in the same platform.

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Coding Robot for kids

Each mBot2 comes with 4 top fun projects. Have fun in hands-on robot projects from 0 to 1. (No programming experience required)

coding projects

Build Various Robotics Projects

mBot2 Shield can connect with more than 30 electronics and LEGO bricks, enabling kids to build various robotics and STEM projects.

benefits of coding

Combination of AI and IoT

mBot2 can combine with mBuild modules to achieve intelligent functions, such as voice control, smart camera, and more.

most powerful robot for kids

Most Powerful Robot for Kids Ever

mBot2 has the most potent and versatile microcontroller, electronic and mechanical parts, mBlock open-source software, and enrich learning resources.

beginners robot kit

Beginner-friendly Coding Robot

With its simple and compact design, mBot Neo is easy to assemble (30mins), store, and start coding with, making a perfect robot building kit for beginners.


Learning Coding Made Easy

Coding with mBlock, kids will start with block-based coding, and upgrade to python programming in the same platform.


Coding Robot for kids

Each mBot2 comes with 4 top fun projects. Have fun in hands-on robot projects from 0 to 1. (No programming experience required)


Build Various Robotics Projects

mBot2 Shield can connect with more than 30 electronics and LEGO bricks, enabling kids to build various robotics and STEM projects.


Combination of AI and IoT

mBot2 can combine with mBuild modules to achieve intelligent functions, such as voice control, smart camera, and more.


Most Powerful Robot for Kids Ever

mBot2 has the most potent and versatile microcontroller, electronic and mechanical parts, mBlock open-source software, and enrich learning resources.


Beginner-friendly Coding Robot

With its simple and compact design, mBot2 is a perfect robot for kids easy to assemble (30 mins), store, and start coding.

New Release

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New Release

mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit

mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit is crafted for children to develop coding skills from beginner to advanced levels. lt facilitates outdoor exploration, interactive expressions, and gripping functions, enriching the coding and building journey.

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We support school purchases via PO.

Get Closer to AI Learning

By Teachable Machine

In the mBlock extension library, add [Teachable Machine] and connect a webcam. By training different gesture models to represent commands, you can control mBot2 remotely through gesture recognition! This helps kids learn the basic principles of image processing and pattern recognition in AI robotics.

By Text Recognition

In the mBlock extension library, add [Cognitive Services - text recognition], and connect a webcam to recognize license plate content. This can be used to create a parking system! The barrier gate only opens when the correct license plate number is recognized by the camera. This helps children learn how AI robots use text recognition to make decisions.

By Voice

If you tell mBot2 "Boring", it'll sing you a song. This personalized experience helps kids understand better how AI interacts and communicates emotionally.

By Asking

When you ask mBot2 about the weather, it can quickly answer by searching for information online. This helps kids see how AI robots understand and do what they're asked, and how they get information from the internet to help out. (IoT Technology)

By Environment

When mBot2 senses there is not enough light, it moves to a brighter area to ensure the plant gets plenty of sunlight. This helps kids learn how AI robots use sensors and make decisions independently.

By Touching

When mBot2 tilts over, it calls out for help and tries to escape after detecting a change in angle. This helps kids understand how AI robots sense and respond to the external environment.

Suited for Different Educational Scenarios



After one mBot2 pushes a block from point A to point B, it can issue instructions to another mBot2 to continue pushing the block from point B to point C.



mBot2 has up to 10 expansion ports. Up to 10 mBuild modules can be plug-to-play for in-depth creation.



The mainboard of the mBot2 can be used for individual programming. With a wealth of on-board sensors, creative innovation is a breeze.



mBot2 can be moved and rotated according to the specified distance and angle. Drawing precise pentagrams? Not hard at all.

Why Choose mBot2?

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Interactive Ways 

Learning Resources

Programming Languages


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Remote & Programmed control

Voice Interaction

Touch Interaction

Environment Interaction

8 Basic courses

15 Coding projects

22 Learning cases

Block-based, Python


Artifical intelligence (AI)

Game development

Internet of Things (IoT)

Data science

mBot (2).png__PID:5dc5935d-6ce7-4819-941d-9d2e8ba55247

Remote & Programmed control

12 Basic courses

4 Coding projects

12 Learning cases

Block-based, Arduino


We believe in presenting comprehensive information to empower you to make informed decisions.

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Coding Robot for Kids without Coding Experience

15+ best coding games and projects for kids playing and learning

mBot2 with Coding Project Box

The Coding Project Box series is designed around the mBot Neo coding robot, offering illustrated step-by-step guides and crazy-fun gamified coding projects around robotic coding, game development, AI, and data science topics.

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Explore Their Best in Themed Coding Projects

How to use mBot2 + Coding Project Box?

Enjoy Playtime with mBot2

Choose the Right Bundle that Suits Your Needs

Custom Expressions

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Custom Expressions

Kids can customize their favorite emojis for mBot2 Rover, making Rover their true best friend.

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Level Up Your Building Skills

Level Up Your Building Skills.jpg__PID:c598ac3b-53a8-441e-adc8-5619ec02b4e9Level Up Your Building Skills.jpg__PID:c205f9b3-391d-49c6-a809-134c35a7e95e

Level Up Your Building Skills

Start easily assembling the mBot2, then advance to building mBot2 Rover. This kit cultivates creativity and problem-solving skills for students of all levels.

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Embark on Outdoor Adventures

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Embark on Outdoor Adventures

Take mBot2 Rover on multi-terrain outdoor adventures, navigating diverse terrains with ease.

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Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
Makeblock mBot2 Rover Robotics Kit: Kid's Interactive Emo Robot for Coding Learning and Outdoor Play
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1 Play Music.mp4__PID:5be09c3b-74d8-4748-961c-20136dfb62ff
2 Dance Moves.mp4__PID:e09c3b74-d8d7-4816-9c20-136dfb62ff9f



Engaging Classroom Activities

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Engaging Classroom Activities

Program mBot2 via block-based or Python. Our intuitive software coupled with comprehensive teacher's guides and lesson plans simplify your coding instruction, turning it from complex to fascinating.

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Thrilling Gameplay Modes

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Thrilling Gameplay Modes

Master the remote, strategize your moves, and race to grab the most before time runs out! With the wireless communication capabilities, multiple mBot2s can battle it out simultaneously.

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Team Up on Class Project

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Team Up on Class Project

With the mBot2's wireless communication capability, students can practice collaboration, exploration and problem-solving skills in rich STEM activity topics such as Smart Farming.

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mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities
mBot2 Inspire Activity Bundle for STEM Activities



New Robotics Forms

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New Robotics Forms

Extend mBot2 with this add-on pack to create robotic arm, robotic carrier, and surveying robot. See how additional sensors can make mBot2 even more useful in smart applications.

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New Classroom Activities

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New Classroom Activities

With the mBot2's wireless communication capability, students can practice collaboration, exploration and problem-solving skills in rich STEM activity topics such as Smart Farming.

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New Educational Concepts

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New Educational Concepts

The Smart World is an educational concept that brings real-life applications into the classroom by considering important areas of life where technology can become an enabler for the UNSDGs.

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mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 for K-12 Schools Robotics Classes
mbot2 robotic arm
mbot2 robotic carrier
mbot2 surveying robot
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mbot2 robotics add on pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 for K-12 Schools Robotics Classes
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mbot2 robotic arm
mbot2 robotic carrier
mbot2 surveying robot
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mBot2 Smart World 3-in-1 Add-on Pack
mbot2 robotics add on pack



mBot2 Coding Project Box Unboxing

mBlock - The Best Coding Software

20 million+ teachers and children all over the world are using mBlock as their first choice of programming software.

mBlock is a free and open-source software supporting block-based coding and Python programming.

mblock coding software

mBlock has strong capabilities such as Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things supporting various coding projects.

free coding software

mBlock is available for multiple devices and systems such as Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android.

android ios windows mac linux
mblock coding software is available for multi-devices

See What the Pros Think


This sturdy little aluminum-framed robot can be built by kids (tools included!) and then used for some driving fun before serious coding learning even starts.

Award-Winning Learning & Educational Robot

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Loved by Many Families and Schools

We value customers' voices because they help us grow.

coding robot for kids

Explore More Playful Creating with Extension Kits

Rover Robotics Add-on Pack

Rover Robotics Add-on Pack.jpg__PID:3b53a814-1e6d-4856-99ec-02b4e970cec0

Smart Camera Add-on Pack for mBot2

robot accessory

mBot2 Coding Project Boxes*3

Bluetooth Remote Controller

bluetooth remote controller

Rover Robotics Add-on Pack

Rover Robotics Add-on Pack.jpg__PID:b3391d29-c6e8-4913-8c35-a7e95ec36bc1

Smart Camera Add-on Pack for mBot2

mBot2 Coding Project Boxes*4

Bluetooth Remote Controller

Quick Start Guides

Beginner's Manual

Beginner's Manual

A step-by-step instructional manual to get your robot set up.


Getting Started Activities

Getting Started Activities

Ten getting started activities for beginners.


Product Support

Product Support

Get more fundamental cases, FAQs, and customer service.

More Supports

Product Specifications

Mechanical materialAluminum alloy
Main controlCyberPi
Processor Xtensa® 32-bit LX6 dual-core processor
Clock speed240 MHz
Extended storage (SPI Flash)8 MB
Extended memory (PSRAM)
8 MB
Onboard sensor
Light sensor, microphone, gyroscope, accelerometer
Other sensorsUltrasonic sensor, quad RGB sensor
Coding languageBlock-based, Python
Battery (included)Built-in rechargeable LiPo battery
Battery capacity2500 mAh 
Playtime≈ 5 hours
Charge time1 hour
Rotational speed1–207 RPM
Maximum external electronic modules8 motor & servo ports
10+ sensor ports
Communication modeUSB, Bluetooth, 2.4GWi-Fi
Compatibility500+ Makeblock electronic & mechanical parts, LEGO bricks

Makeblock mBot2: STEM Education Coding Robot Kit for AI Learning

$139.99 $149.99
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