How Robots Make STEM Learning More Fun in the Classroom
Posted by RICO PARTO

In a nationwide study on education, 81 percent of kids said that they were interested in science however only 37 percent of these same students said they enjoy their science class. Through this disparity, it’s obvious that schools are really struggling to engage their younger students in STEM fields, possibly hindering them from discovering their full potential in STEM academics.
However, with the power of educational robotics, getting students interested in STEM in the classroom has never been easier.
Making STEM education fun for school kids by teaching through robotics
Kids love exercising their creativity, whether it be through video games, art, or building things. Robotics offer children the opportunity to be creative in this same way, allowing them to explore the endless possibilities of programming while enjoying themselves every step of the way.
But what makes robotics special is that it is able to simultaneously act as an educational tool, teaching kids important skills such as problem solving, logical thinking, engineering, coding, and physics. Thus, Makeblock’s products are able to combine the toy aspect that children love so much with STEM learning, producing a powerful tool that teachers can use in the classroom.
Makeblock’s mBlock5 software is engineered specifically for children, allowing them to jump right into coding without worrying about learning any complicated languages. Through this tool, we can use robots as a bridge to link younger students to otherwise complicated STEM fields. Cutting out congested jargon from coding means allowing children to get right to learning.
How Robotics Can Make Your STEM Classes Fun
With smarter robots comes more possibilities to heighten your classroom experience. Here are some ways to engage your students with Makeblock’s STEAM kits in your class:
1. Hold a contest based on which robot can complete a given task the best (Ex: navigating an obstacle course).
In this activity, students are required to think creatively and maximize efficiency in their design. With AI implemented into robots like Codey Rocky, students have a lot more opportunities to get creative and innovate their own solutions.
2. Design a “Debugathon!” Whoever can find errors in the codes the quickest wins.
Create a code that is supposed to perform a certain task. Then input some errors and have your students form groups to try and fix them. This exercise revolves around problem solving and quick thinking as well as group work and leadership.
3. Allow students to design their own robot, make posters advertising its uses, and demonstrate it in front of the whole class.
Creativity is the main skill being brought out in this activity with students thinking about how STEM can be applied to everyday uses. This is related to how the real tech world market works: Companies are looking for problems to solve through technology. Students will have to think about writing, presentation skills, and lastly, design.
Though many robots are limited in what tasks they can perform, Makeblock’s DIY Platform features over 300 mechanical parts, creating endless possibilities and helping students truly transform their ideas into reality.
How Can Robotics Bring STEM Learning to Life?
Unlike solving problems on a worksheet, robots offer a visual representation of students’ efforts, allowing them to apply STEM learning in a “real-world” situation. This effectively engages students because they are finally able to see why they are learning things and how they are important. In this way, children can assign a purpose to the work they are doing in class making them more invested into their STEM classes. Thus, through robotics, schools can get their younger students involved in STEM, ensuring that those with potential develop a passion for the field which can lead into valuable careers.#coding robot #programmable robot kits