These New Educational Robots Make You Feel Like a Kid Again!

Ever wish you could turn back time? Maybe get hold of a time machine that brings you back to the days when you were a little kid and all you do is play with toys and have absolutely nothing to worry about? Well, I’m afraid you might have to wait for a very long time for a time machine to come out, but we’ve got educational robots that can make you feel like a kid again.

Educational robots are not just for kids anymore

Educational robots create an amazing entertainment experience. These technology-powered toys are not only enjoyed by kids. Adults can also have so much fun with them.

For example, Dragon Bow is a toy bow with sensors on each side. Connected to a smartphone via Bluetooth, it allows you to shoot dragons flying around on the phone’s screen by aiming with a toy crossbow. If you are a foosball fan, a classic iPad foosball is surely going to let you and your buddies have a blast. Basically, it’s a stand for your iPad with legs, rods, and scoring system. Instead of buying a real foosball table, you can now save the space and play on your iPad.


Educational robots are not just for fun anymore

Educational robots create opportunities for educators and researchers to tap into and turn this type of toy into an educational tool. More than that, parents can join their kids, playing with them and watching them make progress in learning new things. If you’re looking for an innovative way to spend some quality time with your kids, educational robots can be on the top of your list.

One of the most popular educational robots is the coding robot, which is more than just a toy. Coding robots combine a toy robot with computer programming and help children start learning to code. MakeBlock’s Codey Rocky is a combination of hardware and software, encouraging children to learn about programming while they play and create. Neuron Artist Kit by MakeBlock is Makeblock’s latest STEAM education product for teachers and children. It helps them teach and learn art, science, and coding with Neuron’s programmable blocks. With six supplementary cases, Neuron helps kids build creations from laser-cut cardboard and bring the creations to life by easily coding its eight programmable electronic blocks.

2019 educational robots Trends

educational robots are growing tremendously in popularity with educators and parents because these toys make the learning process for children easy and fun. In 2019, according to reports, there will be even more screens and smart devices that keep kids occupied and help children learn empathy and social skills. STEAM education through educational robots is another major trend to look out for in 2019, especially when it comes to teaching kids to code.

With educational robots becoming more a part of kids’ daily lives, it can feel overwhelming to navigate the products out on the market. So, take your time to choose a great educational robots and make a difference in your kids’ lives.

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