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One-stop Shop for STEAM Education

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Hands-on Learning Cultivates Creativity

Watch your students realize they can bring their ideas to life right in the classroom and cultivate creativity and problem-solving skills.

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Diverse Products Last Long

Makeblock's robust robot kits and STEM toys inspire creativity, transforming concepts into projects while catering to varied classroom teaching requirements.

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Free Software Suits Multiple Devices

Makeblock satisfies all your teaching needs, from beginner to pro, with free, feature-rich coding software that works on both PCs and tablets.

Rich Resources Reduces Course Prep.jpg__PID:13a8db73-cde7-4458-ba60-c9f0bdc4413eLaser Cutters and Engravers.jpg__PID:78ac36ec-4344-44ed-b65c-bdecd2506b11

Rich Resources Reduce Course Prep

Ease your course preparation burden with curriculum, tutorials, and a beginner's guide. Plus, boost your funding potential with a grant guide.

Suited for Different Educational Scenarios

For K-12 Schools.jpg__PID:94d32fcf-ba73-4ad9-b44b-e17b15ff3ed5

For K-12 Schools

Inspire K12 school students with STEAM projects and how robots can be integrated into robotics, engineering, and coding learning.

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For University

Universities harness the power of robots for research, engineering courses, and immersive robotics programs.

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For Makerspace

Empower students to explore their creativity and transform ideas into tangible creations.

For Robot Camps.jpg__PID:cfba731a-d9b4-4be1-bb15-ff3ed53f66e0

For Robot Camps

A perfect blend of fun and learning. These camps allow kids to delve deeper into robotics and technology.

For Library and Museums.jpg__PID:d32fcfba-731a-49b4-8be1-7b15ff3ed53f

For Library and Museums

Involve hands-on activities where visitors can learn about robotics, coding, and programming.


Suited for Different Educational Scenarios

For K-12 Schools.jpg__PID:67136b03-87e2-424b-be17-3a9061b7475b

For K-12 Schools

Inspire K12 school students with STEAM projects and how robots can be integrated into robotics, engineering, and coding learning.

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For University

Universities harness the power of robots for research, engineering courses, and immersive robotics programs.

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For Makerspace

Empower students to explore their creativity and transform ideas into tangible creations.

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For Robot Camps

A perfect blend of fun and learning. These camps allow kids to delve deeper into robotics and technology.

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For Library and Museums

Involve hands-on activities where visitors can learn about robotics, coding, and programming.

Products by Age



Coding for Students with 60+ Free Online Courses and STEM Projects.

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Beginner-friendly Educational Robotics Kit for Students.

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Coding Robot Kit for Learning Coding from Beginner to Pro.

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Trusted by Local Education Authorities



Makeblock co-published programming materials with the French publishing house Éditions Delagrave for more than 6,000 public primary/middle schools.



Makeblock Education enters into a strategic global partnership with the Ministry of Education in Bologna, Italy.



Incheon's Education Science Institute launches "Coding into Gyeongdae 2024" for personalized AI and SW education. Makeblock robots are official tools to foster innovation.



Makeblock and the Education Department of Mexico Jalisco together Broke the Guinness Record of the World’s Largest Robotics Class.



Selected for the CMI programme of the Polish IT Teaching Talent Development Programme.

Trusted by Local Education Authorities


Trusted by Local Education Authorities

Rich Resources for Education Needs

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Standard-aligned Curriculum to Explore

Relieve yourself from course preparation with our CSTA&NGSS-aligned curriculum. Save time, and focus on teaching!

Learn More >

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Engaging Projects to Inspire

Engage students with updated, diverse tutorials across subjects - widely embraced by schools for inspiring project-based learning!

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Free Software to Empower

Creation is made easy with free coding software that works on PCs, Phones and tablets. Powerful features like AI and Data science to support.

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Grants Guide to Contribute

Learn how you can access funding to get started with Makeblock from grant information to application guides.

Learn More >

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Funding Your Educational Program

Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)

Studies show active learning boosts understanding. Makeblock Education offers hands-on lessons that engage multiple senses for better learning. This helps students excel in their grades and beyond.

Obligation Closes at 9/30/2024

Learn More to Apply>

Title I, Part A Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies (LEAs)

Makeblock Education offers versatile tools for all learning styles. Students engage in practical, hands-on activities, while teachers get creative with STEAM subjects. Makeblock fosters interdisciplinary thinking by connecting science, engineering, reading, and math.

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Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment

The nation's future depends on a comprehensive education that equips students for a globalized world. Makeblock Education solutions integrate all subjects and offer innovative methods to cultivate 21st-century skills like creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.

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National Science Foundation (NSF) Grants

Makeblock Education offers hands-on STEM learning solutions that align with NSF grant goals. By providing a dynamic and engaging approach to teaching and learning, our products foster students' creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and design thinking in the exploration of real-world STEM applications.

Explore Now >

Purchase Orders & Quotes

Are you ready to get Makeblock products in your classrooms? Learn how to submit a purchase order or request a quote to get the ball rolling!

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Recognition by Professionals

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Educators Loved Us

CHRISTY GEORG.jpg__PID:214aa0ef-b640-4162-bfcc-1222733c16beCHRISTY GEORG.jpg__PID:c845aaf2-b6fe-4720-9fc9-97ad224cdcae
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Krystal DeVille.jpg__PID:efb64091-62bf-4c12-a273-3c16be01a209Krystal DeVille.jpg__PID:f2b6fee7-209f-4997-ad22-4cdcaeffbf8e
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Sarah Benton Feitlinger.jpg__PID:bfcc1222-733c-46be-81a2-094675f9e21eDr Todd Zadow-1.jpg__PID:eef148bd-43f8-46c5-b04d-e8f18f094362
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Shop Confidently Before and After

Experience a seamless STEM teaching journey with Makeblock, offering educators in the United States a hassle-free experience through our product trial and funding campaign.

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Before You Buy

Product Trial

Have questions about our product? Apply for our limited trial program and receive the trial product at your doorstep for free.

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Decide to Buy

Makeblock Funding

Provide exclusie funding to schools to nurture future innovators and NGOs to access STEM education. All for the best education possible.

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After You Buy

Support Center

Get FAQs, and fundamental documentation, and reach out to our professional customer support for assistance.

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Purchasing FAQs